When you start thinking about bathroom remodeling Springfield, MO, it’s a sign that you need to think about your home decor plan. After all, the scheme that you love today could bore you tomorrow. Change is necessary. If you share your bathroom with a roommate, you can still carve out a special place for yourself. However, that doesn’t mean that you can do whatever you want.

Keep reading to learn how to advocate for yourself and still be a good roommate.

Discuss Major Changes

The first thing that you need to recognize is that you can’t make any major changes without talking to your roommate. A major change is something that affects both of you. Even if you want to do something that’s obviously beneficial, like fixing a broken toilet, you should still schedule a discussion first.

If you need to alter the plumbing, not only do you need to speak with your roommate, you should think about hiring a professional contractor to do the work. Of course, you need to coordinate with the homeowner as well.

Pick a Color

Picking a color helps you stick to a theme. For example, if you settle on the color orange, you and your roommate would purchase bathroom accessories in that shade. Your bathroom would then look cohesive even though you were both following your own style.

Of course, this only works if you can agree on a color. If you can’t you’ll have to stick with a color that meshes well with your roommate’s side.


It’s up to everyone involved to keep the bathroom clean. A dirty bathroom is uncomfortable no matter how well-designed it is. If you want to make it easier, you can come up with a cleaning schedule. You and your roommate could take turns cleaning every week. Just make sure that you both agree to whatever deal you work out. No one will honor a deal that they didn’t feel good about in the first place.

Think Small

Adding small accessories and small personal touches can help you bring character to a room without overwhelming it. Because you’re sharing your bathroom with someone else, you have limited space to work with. You can’t cover the room with whatever you want. A few small, strategically placed items show off your personality.

A comfortable bathroom is what everyone desires. No matter who you are, you spend at least a few minutes every day in the bathroom. If you’re not happy with your surroundings, that feeling will bleed over into other parts of your life.

The right design is everything. You can go simple, you can try for something sophisticated, you have endless options. You and your roommate may have similar ideas.

The creative vision that fuels Lifemark Bath & Home / Window Depot of the Ozarks can be used to create your bathroom remodeling Springfield, MO. Our showroom is located at 620 N Prince Ln Springfield, MO 65802. You can also reach us by calling (417) 881-5433. The sooner you call, the sooner you can have the bathroom of your dreams.